My Oscar tips for 2012
Wish me luck cause below are the Oscar tips I sent to
the Abendzeitung (Munich newspaper).
If I manage to be the participant with the highest
number of correct tips, I can win a year's supply of free movie tickets which would be just the
right thing for a movie buff like me :-)
Actually I have participated in this "bet" for a couple of years and the
most I got right was 10 out of 24 categories last year - which is not too bad
considering that you have a choice of up to 8 nominees in some categories - yet
it wasn't enough to win those
free tickets :-(
Here we go, these are my tips for 2012...
(Feb. 27: Shoot! I just got 9 out of 24
right this time - I didn't expect "The Artist" to win in so many categories... -
I marked the ones I got right in blue letters)
- Best Picture (Film): The Artist
(I didn't watch it though because I don't really like black-and-white
silent movies but there's so much hype about this film that it must win at
least in one category)
- Directing (Regie): Terence Malick for "The tree of
(The film was somewhat "strange", and I'd be lying if I said I actually
"liked" it, but I could imagine that such extraordinary films give Malick a
better chance to win an Oscar)
- Actor in a leading role (Hauptdarsteller): Brad Pitt in
(It is about time this guy gets an Oscar!
I would be particularly disappointed to see Clooney get the
Oscar cause I don't consider him to be a very good actor, and the best thing
about "The Descendants" were the views of Hawaiian beaches and the young
actress playing Clooney's older daughter)
- Actress in a leading role (Hauptdarstellerin): Michelle
Williams in "My week with Marylin"
- Actor in a supporting role (Nebendarsteller): Nick Nolte
in "Warrior"
- Actress in a supporting role (Nebendarstellerin):
Octavia Spencer in "The help"
- Writing - Original screenplay (Originaldrehbuch):
Midnight in Paris
- Writing - Adapted screenplay (Adaptiertes Drehbuch):
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (Dame, König, Ass, Spion)
- Cinematography (Beste Kamera): Hugo (Hugo Cabret)
- Film editing (Bester Schnitt): Hugo (Hugo Cabret)
- Music - Original score (Original-Musik): War horse
- Music - Song: Man or Muppet from "The Muppets"
- Art direction (Ausstattung): Harry Potter and the
...(Harry Potter und die Heiligtümer des Todes 2)
- Costume Design (Kostüme): Jane Eyre
- Make-up: Albert Nobbs
- Sound Mixing (Tonmischung): The girl with the dragon
tattoo (Verblendung)
- Sound Editing (Tonschnitt): Transformers 3
- Visual Effects (Visuelle Effekte): Hugo (Hugo Cabret)
- Animated feature film (Animationsfilm): Puss'n Boots
(Der gestiefelte Kater)
- Foreign language film (nicht englischsprachiger Film):
Nader and Simin - The Separation (Iran)
- Documentary feature (Dokumentarfilm): Hell and back
- Short animated feature (animierter Kurzfilm): The
fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
- Short film - live action (Real-Kurzfilm): Time Freak
- Short documentary feature (Dokumentar-Kurzfilm): Saving
I've put this list online in time before the Oscars, so
you can send me your personal tips if you want to bet on different films...
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