Hawaii Five-0: Season 9

Please note that the current news about Alex - including those about "Hawaii Five-0" - are usually just put on the NEWS page (by month).
The same applies for any "general" interviews with Alex or those that I've translated - You find them on the INTERVIEW page.
Below, you mainly find video interviews related specifically to "Hawaii Five-0" and video clips of the respective season, such as fan videos or occasional CBS videos on YouTube.

A warm Welcome Back to all the fantastic cast and crew members! They are the best!


Important Events and Dates related to Season 9

July 10, 2018: Traditional blessing ceremony (at 6 a.m.) and start of filming
There was no livestream but Dennis Chun posted some photos. Alex and Scotty did not attend the blessing because they were not back on the island after their hiatus:

Sept. 14, 2018: Celebration of the 200th episode of H50 while the episode was filmed:
Videos and photos from it can be found on my page below about the SOTB premiere/anniversary celebration.

Sept. 16, 2018: Sunset-on-the-beach premiere (SOTB9) of H50 with a big 50th anniversary celebration
The celebration included the premiere screening of the new "Magnum P.I." as well as a concert by Cyndi Lauper.
Since I had the pleasure of attending the SOTB9 in the press row, I got to interview some of the cast members. Here's my special page about the SOTB9 premiere and anniversary celebration:

Sept. 28, 2018: TV premiere of H50 on CBS at 9/8c

Nov. 9, 2018: The 200th episode (9.07) airs on CBS

March 2019: The Season 9 wrap video:

March 27, 2019: Last day of filming

May 17, 2019: Season 9 finale on CBS

Sept. 10, 2019: Release of the Season 9 DVDs in the U.S.

Episodes & Collages & Wendie's Five-0 Redux blogs

9.01: Ka 'ōwili 'ōka'i (E: Cocoon / D: Der gigantische Kokon)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.01:


9.02: Ke kanaka i ha'ule mai ka lewa mai (E: The man who fell from the sky / D: Der Mann, der vom Himmel fiel)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.02:


9.03: Mimiki ke kai, ahuwale ka papa leho
(E: When the sea draws out the tidal wave, the rocks where the cowries hide are exposed / D: Hitzewelle)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.03:


9.04: A'ohe kio pohaku nalo i ke alo pali
(E: On the slope of the cliff, not one jutting rock is hidden from sight / D: Aus der Versenkung)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.04:


9.05: A'ohe mea 'imi a ka maka (E: Nothing more the eyes to search for / D: Eine schaurige Nacht)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.05:


9.06: Aia i hi'ikua i hi'ialo (E: Is borne on the back, is borne in the arms / D: Nach eigenen Regeln)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.06:


9.07: Pua a'e i a ka uwahi o ka moe (E: The smoke seen in the dream now rises / D: Grosse Träume) - The 200th episode!

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.07:

ALBUM with collages from the 200th episode:


9.08: Lele pû nā manu like (E: Birds of a feather / D: Streithähne) - Thanksgiving episode written by Chi McBride

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.08:


9.09: Mai ka po mai ka 'oia'i'o (E: Truth comes from the night / D: Das letzte Kapitel)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.09:



9.10: Pio ke kukui pō'ele ka hale (E: When the light goes out, the house is dark / D: Marokko)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.10:


Ep. 9.11: Hala i ka ala ho'i 'ole mai (E: Gone on the road from where there is no returning / D: Der Anfang vom Ende)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.11:


Ep. 9.12: Ka hauli o ka mea hana 'ole, he nalowale koke (E: A bruise inflicted on an innocent person vanishes quickly / D: Ohana)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.12:


Ep. 9.13: Ke iho mai nei ko luna (E: Those above are descending / D: Unter Wasser)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.13:


Ep. 9.14: Ikiiki i ka lā o Keawalua (E: Depressed with the heat of Keawalua / D: Ein Zeichen)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.14:


Ep. 9.15: Ho'opio 'ia e ka noho ali'i a ka ua (E: Made prisoner by the reign of the rain / D: Sturm im Paradies)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.15:


Ep. 9.16: Hapai ke kuko, hanau ka hewa (E: When covetousness is conceived, sin is born / D: Die tote Meerjungfrau)

Ep. 9.17: E'ao lu'au a kualima (E: Offer young taro leaves to / D: Zerrissen) - directed by Alex!

Press releases for both episodes (9.16 and 9.17) that air on Feb. 22:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.16 and 9.17 which both aired on Feb. 22, 2019:
And another blog focusing on Alex's directing in H50 ep. 9.17:


Ep. 9.18: Ai no i ka 'ape he mane'o no ko ka nuku (E: He who eats 'ape is bound to have his mouth itch / D: Schwiegermutter zu Besuch) 

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.18:


Ep. 9.19: Pupuhi ka he'e o kai uli (E: The octopus of the deep spews its ink / D: Der falsche Fensterputzer)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.19:


Ep. 9.20: Ke ala o ka pū (E: Way of the gun / D: Von Hand zu Hand)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.20:


Ep. 9.21: He kama na ka pueo (E: Offspring of an owl / D: Katzenjammer)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.21:


Ep. 9.22: O ke kumu, o ka māna, ho'opuka 'ia (E: The teacher, the pupil - let it come forth / D: Noelani)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.22:


Ep. 9.23: Ho'okāhi no lā malihini (E: A stranger only for a day / D: Mord ist ihr Hobby)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.23:


Ep. 9.24: Hewa ka lima (E: The hand is at fault / D: Die Schuldfrage)

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.24:


Ep. 9.25: Hana mao 'ole ka ua o Waianae (E: Endlessly pours the rain of Waianae / D: Das Leben geht weiter) - Season finale

Info / Promo pics / Video clips:

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 9.25:


And we can all look forward to a Season 10 - officially confirmed on May 9, 2019!

Make sure to tune in at the right time when H50 returns in fall because it has a new time-slot and airs one hour earlier than in the last few seasons - and it's joined by "Magnum P.I." for a true Aloha Friday!


Video clips - either from CBS or made by fans

Fan-video: Cocoon - 1968 and 2018 (by Tintorera)

Fan-video: 200th episode 9.07 (by 'Tintorera')

Fan-Video: McDanno bromance - Seasons 1 to 9 (by Gaby of 'H50 Europe')

Fan-video: Steve with Joe White - Seasons 2 to 9 (by 'H50Freak')

Fan-video: Steve in action - Seasons 1 to 9 (by 'Karo McGarrett') 

Fan-video: Drama & Action in Season 9 (by Kate87)

Fan-video: Emotional and dramatic moments for Steve S1-9 (by Kate87)


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Designed, created & owned by: Angela Gerstner

Last update: 2019