Hawaii Five-0: Season 6

Please note that the current news about Alex - including those about "Hawaii Five-0" - are usually just put on the NEWS page (by month).
The same applies for any "general" interviews with Alex or those that I've translated - You find them on the INTERVIEW page.
Below, you mainly find video interviews related specifically to "Hawaii Five-0" and video clips of the respective season, such as fan videos.
You may also want to check out the official H50 YouTube account from CBS - some clips are blocked for viewers outside the U.S. though.


Important Events and Dates related to Season 6

July 8, 2015: Start of filming for Season 6 & Traditional blessing ceremony
Billy V from Hawaii News Now (livestream), as well as my friend Wendie with several of her colleagues from the Star Advertiser, attended the blessing ceremony and got interviews with the cast and producers.
Here are the major links with coverage:
Hawaii News Now: Article with photo album and video interviews (Direct link: Interview with Alex)
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell: Photo album 
Dennis Chun (H50): A message from Dennis incl. photos
Mike Gordon (Star Advertiser): Article with video interviews (links also below)
Kimberly Yuen (Star Advertiser): Video: Interviews with Alex, Daniel, Jorge & Peter
Jason Genegabus (Star Advertiser): Video: Interview with ALEX // Video: Interview with Jorge 
CBS: Photo album of blessing
And last but not least, my friend Wendie's Five-0 Redux blog about the blessing that she was invited to:
http://www.honolulupulse.com/2015/07/five-0-redux-continuing-with-tradition/ and
Wendie's huge Five-0 Redux photo album from the blessing and
Wendie's video of the blessing 

Photos: Five-0 Redux / Star Advertiser

Sept. 12, 2015: Sunset-on-the-Beach Premiere of Season 6 (SOTB6) in Honolulu
CBS has announced on July 24 that there will be another SOTB premiere to celebrate the start of the new season 6 on TV with a preview on the beach.
Special page about the SOTB6

Sept. 25, 2015: TV premiere of Season 6 on CBS

April 6, 2016: Season wrap - last day of filming for Alex

May 13, 2016: Season finale on CBS with 2 episodes

Sept. 13, 2016: DVD release in the US

Episodes & Collages & Wendie's Five-0 Redux blogs

6.01: Mai ho'oni i ka wai lana mālie (E: Do not disturb the water that is tranquil / D: Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.01)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.01:


6.02: Lehu a lehu (E: Ashes to ashes / D: Feuer und Flamme)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (6.02)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.02:


6.03: 'Ua 'o'oloku ke anu i na mauna (E: The chilling storm is on the mountains / D: Der tote Taucher)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.03)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.03:


6.04: Ka papahana holo pono (E: Best Laid Plans / D: Blütenpracht)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.04)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.04:

Blog about guest actress Lauren Murata:


6.05: Ka 'alapahi nui (E: Big lie / D: Tag der Wahrheit)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.05) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.05:


6.06: Nā pilikia nui (E: Monsters / D: Monster)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.06)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.06:


6.07: Nā kama hele (E: Day trippers / D: Ausflug in's Paradies)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.07)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.07:

BTS-video: Alex and Sarah talk about the episode (ET) 


6.08: Piko pau 'iole (E: The artful dodger / D: Räuber und Gendarm)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.08)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.08:


6.09: Hana Keaka (E: Charade / D: Professor Danno) 

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.09)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.09:


6.10: Ka Mākau Ka'a Kaua (E: The sweet science / D: Ohne Deckung) 

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.10)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.10:


6.11: Kuleana (E: One's personal sense of responsiblity / D: Der kleine Bruder)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.11)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.11:


6.12: Ua ola loko i ke aloha (E: Love gives life within / D: Operation Fugo)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.12)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.12:

Blog about guest actor Michael Ng:


6.13: Umia Ka Hanu (E: Hold the breath / D: Mein liebster Feind)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.13)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.13:


6.14: Hoa 'inea (E: Misery loves company / D: Unglück im Glück)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.14) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.14:

Blog about guest actor James Koons:

Blog about Dennis Chun and his real-life partner Laura Mellow who plays his wife Nalani in ep. 6.14:


6.15: Ke koa lokomaika'i (E: The good soldier / D: Der Parkwächter)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.15)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.15:


6.16: Ka Pōhaku Kihi Pa'a (E: The solid cornerstone / D: Eine haarige Gelegenheit)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional Info (Ep. 6.16)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.16:


6.17: Waiwai (E: Assets / D: Das Schmetterlingstattoo) 

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.17)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.17:


6.18: Kanaka Hahai (E: The hunter / D: Mit Pfeil und Bogen)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.18)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.18:


6.19: Mālama ka po'e (E: Care for one's people / D: Lou Grovers Geheimnis)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.19)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.19:

6.20: Ka haunaele (E: Rampage / D: Iron Man)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.20)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.20:


6.21: Ka pono ku'oko'a (E: The cost of freedom / D: Auf und davon)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.21)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.21:


6.22: 'I'ike ke ao (E: For the world to know / D: Ein entscheidender Fehler)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional Info (Ep. 6.22)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.22:


6.23: Pilina koko (E: Blood ties / D: Der Augenzeuge)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.23)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.23:


6.24: Pa'a ka 'ipuka i ka 'upena nananana (E: The entrance is stopped with a spider's web / D: Im Netz der Spinne)

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.24)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.24: Since ep. 6.24 and 6.25 both aired on May 13, you'll find a blog about both episodes below (see ep. 6.25).


6.25: O ke ali'i wale no ka'u makemake (E: My desire is only for the chief / D: Undercover) 

Episode info: Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 6.25 - The Season finale)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 6.24 and 6.25 (both aired on May 13, 2016):


Video clips - either from CBS or made by fans

Fan-video: The pirates of Oahu in ep. 6.01 (by 'Tintorera') 

Fan-video: Steve & Lynn on a first date in ep. 6.07 (by 'Tintorera') 

Fan-video: Best McDanno scenes over the years - Technicolor beat (by 'McDanno31')

Fan-video: Steve in action S1-S6 - Weapon for a day (by 'KaroMcGarrett')

Fan-video: The Five-0 team after surfing in ep. 6.13 (by 'Tintorera') 

Fan-video: McDanno - Stand by me (by 'Eleanor King') 

Fan-video: McDanno (S1-S6) Love can do miracles - No hero (by 'delre')

Fan-video: McDanno (S1-S6) Nothing else matters (by 'Grace 70')

Fan-video: Crucial moments for McGarrett - TIME (by 'Kate87') 

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Designed, created & owned by: Angela Gerstner

Last update: 2016