Hawaii Five-0: Season 1

Please note that the current news about Alex - including those about "Hawaii Five-0" - are usually just put on the NEWS page (by month).
The same applies for any "general" interviews with Alex or those that I've translated - You find them on the INTERVIEW page.
Below, you mainly find video interviews related specifically to "Hawaii Five-0" and video clips of the respective season, such as fan videos.
You may also want to check out the official H50 YouTube account from CBS - some clips are blocked for viewers outside the U.S. though.

Interviews with Alex & the cast


Blessing ceremony for Season 1 back in 2010

SOTB1 premiere coverage incl. interviews (Hawaii News Now)

SOTB1 premiere coverage (Heidi Chang) 

World premiere of H50 (SOTB1) in 2010 - by Pacific News TV 

Alex interview (towards end of Season 1) - talking about H50 and Hawaii

Interview with Alex (Erin Cebula, ET Canada) 

Episodes & Collages
& Wendie's Five-0 Redux blogs with reviews of the episodes

1.01: Pilot (D: Aloha, Steve McGarrett)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.01)

Sorry, no Five-0 Redux blog for this one.


1.02: `Ohana (E: Family / D: Ein Sicherheitsrisiko)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.02)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.02: Ohana means family 


1.03: Mālama Ka 'Āina (E: Respect the land / D: In den besten Familien)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional Info (Ep. 1.03) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.03: Protecting the Five-0 


1.04: Lanakila (E: Victory / D: Der Millionengewinn)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.04)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.04: Gimmie shelter


1.05: Nalowale (E: Forgotten/Missing / D: Die Vertrauensfrage)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.05) 

Sorry, no Five-0 Redux blog found for this one...


1.06: Ko`olauloa (E: North Shore of Oahu / D: Gefährliche Brandung)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.06)

Sorry, no Five-0 Redux blog found for this one...


1.07: Ho`apono (E: Accept / D: Der einzige Verdächtige)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.07)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.07: Mighty McGarrett saves the day 


1.08: Mana`o (E: Belief / D: Wo Rauch ist)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.08)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.08: Believe in the team, Danno 


1.09: Po `ipū (E: The Siege / D: Die Schöne und das Biest)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.09) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.09: Gaining strength for the siege


1.10: Heihei (E: Race / D: Auf die Plätze, fertig, Mord!)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.10) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.10: Diverting from the race 


1.11: Palekeiko (E: Paradise / D: Tödliche Flitterwochen)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.11) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.11: Twisted Paradise 


1.12: Hana`a`a makehewa (E: Desperate measures / D: Die Bombe)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.12) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.12: Desperate times, desperate measures 


1.13: Ke Kinohi (E: The Beginning / D: Strichmännchen)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.13) 

Sorry, no Five-0 Redux blog found for this one...


1.14: He kāne hewa`ole (E: An innocent man / D: Die Strassen von Honolulu)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.14) 

Sorry, no Five-0 Redux blog found for this one...


1.15: Kai e`e (E: Tidal wave / D: Alarm im Pazifik)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.15) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.15: Riding a dangerous wave 


1.16: E mālama (E: To protect / D: Hart am Wind)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.16)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.16: Protecting all that is pono


1.17: Powa maka moana (E: Pirate / D: Piraten)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.17) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.17: Pirating in hostile waters 


1.18: Loa aloha (E: The long goodbye / D: Der lange Abschied)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.18) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.18: Say Goodbye, Danno


1.19: Na me`e lāua na paio (E: Heroes and villains / D: Von Helden und Schurken)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.19) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.19: Return of the villain 


1.20: Ma ke kahakai (E: Shore / D: Fischschuppen)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.20) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.20: Diving into the truth 


1.21: Ho`opa`i (E: Vengeance / D: Wolframstahl)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.21) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.21: Coming home 


1.22: No`ohuli na`au (E: Close to heart / D: Das Ende der Lügen)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.22)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.22: All bets are off 


1.23: Ua hiki mai kapalena pau (E: Until the end is near / D: Der Hauch des Todes)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.23) 

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.23: The end is near 


1.24: Oia`i`o (E: Trust / D: Verdächtig)

Summary / Cast & Crew / Additional info (Ep. 1.24)

Five-0 Redux blog about ep. 1.24 (Season finale): Holding out for our heroes 


Video clips - either from CBS or made by fans

This last section on the Season pages usually includes video clips from CBS (Those are no longer available on YouTube) or fan-edited videos. Of course, all the material comes from CBS but some fans have made great video clips out of it. I think they deserve to get some attention for their work. Usually they like to share their videos with other fans and to get positive feedback. After all, they are not professional film editors but just regular fans who make those videos because they love Alex or "Hawaii Five-0" - and their love is often reflected in their fantastic videos.

Steve teasing Danno about his tie / Cargument about Steve's policing methods (HILARIOUS)

Cargument about radio song

Fan video: Moments of sadness and despair for Steve (Mix with just music 'So cold')

Bloopers (Fan version)

Season 1 - A look back before the finale


Go to:
Season 2

Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6

Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10

Hawaii link collection

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Designed, created & owned by: Angela Gerstner

Last update: 2015