About me

Name:            Angie Gerstner


Zodiac Sign:  Aries - Yeah :-)


Nationality:    German


Profession:   Translator
(but currently working at a museum)

My hobbies and special interests
Aufzählung Movies
Aufzählung Music - mainly pop/rock
Aufzählung Travelling whenever my limited budget allows me to
Aufzählung Reading - biographies, funny books about travelling and different cultures, crime novels
Aufzählung Theater / Shows (Musicals in English, Comedians etc.)
Aufzählung Drawing - people & faces only, as they are the most interesting motive
Aufzählung Interior design - I love furnishing and decorating apartments but don't actually have the opportunity to do this very often
Aufzählung Collecting technical dictionaries (mainly German-English), which is not a totally useless hobby for a translator, I guess...


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Designed, created & owned by: Angela.Gerstner@t-online.de

Last update: Don't ask... Some parts of this website (though not all) are being badly neglected